Shaded Stripes
I don’t want to take the credit for somebody else’s efforts. This demo is a Remake of a piece of Processing code initially done by @lisasekaida. It’s amazing how big of an effect those rectangle bars do with such few code. The weave like structure that comes from the (z-)order as well as the gradients or shades of grey even so each single bar has just one color and no gradient at all. I had to recreate this piece with Svelte.
import SvgContaiiner from '$lib/shared/svg-container.svelte';
let a = 0;
const iv = setInterval(
() => {
a = a > 1200 ? 0 : a+1;
let nums = [...Array(26).keys()];
let y = 64;
const col = (c) => `rgb(${c},${c},${c})`;
const size = (a, i) => 200-y+a > i*20 ? 200-y+a-i*20 : 0;
<SvgContaiiner width="640" height="640">
x={0} y={0} width={640} height={640}
{#each nums as i}
x={0} y={(y+i*20)} width={size(a,i)} height={10}
x={(y+i*20)} y={0} width={10} height={size(a,i)}